How it all began
“We worked together and I thought she was so funny and cute. I kept asking her friends at work if she was single yet. She wasn’t so I waited. Seemed to work out for me.
— Corin
“Little did I know a four hour long conversation on a hammock would turn into a lifetime of love.”
— Kayla
Corin had been working at a Tallahassee call center for a few months when Kayla was hired. From the moment they met, he knew there was something special about her. He couldn't help but feel drawn to her and soon found himself often taking breaks just to visit her cubicle and talk to her.
Several months later, Corin and some of his co-workers decided to plan a trip to see their favorite band, Underoath. With one person dropping out last minute, a spot opened up and Kayla excitedly decided to make the trip along with them. For the first time, Corin and Kayla got the opportunity to really get to know one another. They hit it off immediately.
On the last night of the trip, Corin and Kayla found themselves laying in a hammock on the hotel property. They talked all night, and it was then that Corin realized she was his soulmate. What he didn’t know at the time was that Kayla felt the same. When they both returned to Tallahassee, they became inseparable. They started dating and their love grew with each passing day.
Six months into their relationship, Corin surprised Kayla with a trip to New York City for her birthday. They had an amazing time exploring the city and making unforgettable memories together. Over the years, their love only grew stronger, and they welcomed more furry family members into their lives.
In 2021, five years after their first trip to NYC, Corin took Kayla back to the city to celebrate her birthday and their recent graduations. It was in their favorite city that he took her hand and told her he fell in love with her that night on the hammock and asked her to marry him. With their love continuing to grow every day, they’re both very excited for the future they share and the family they will build together.
And the rest is history